Israel Tells Nasrallah “Any Mistake Will Price You Dearly”

Through the ongoing battle between Israel and Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah Secretary-Normal Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech from Lebanon. He emphasised that the continued Israel-Hamas conflict is a purely Palestinian affair and never a regional one.

As Nasrallah was addressing the scenario, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a stern warning to the Shiite cleric and navy commander in opposition to opening a second entrance on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon.

Netanyahu acknowledged, “I say once more to our enemies, don’t miscalculate—any mistake will price you dearly, a value past your perception.” He added, “Our victory will probably be decisive and clear—it should ship a message to our enemies that can resonate for generations.”

Associated: Right here’s What Hassan Nasrallah Is Saying (LIVE)

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