Main Lebanese Media Challenge Highly effective Joint Assertion Towards Hate Speech

LBC, MTV, Al Jadeed, Annahar, Nidaa Al Watan, L’Orient Lejour, Raseef22, Daraj, the Authorized Agenda and different main newspapers & media shops in Lebanon issued a strong joint assertion yesterday condemning the “hate speech and incitement campaigns in opposition to sexual minorities, orchestrated by politicians and clerics in search of simple scapegoats.”

The assertion began by the next:

“We reject the rhetoric of homophobia or homophobia and all of the incitement and discriminatory rhetoric in opposition to sexual minorities, which extremist teams and a few sectarian political, non secular and safety officers are attempting to impose; We think about that this discriminatory, intimidating and displacing discourse harms the coexistence pact so long as it threatens folks on the premise of their private identities and thus strips any authority that engages in it of any legitimacy, pursuant to the Preamble to the Structure.”

And ends by confirming that they won’t stand on the sidelines within the battle for freedoms.

Right here’s the total assertion which I endorse totally.

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