Lebanese Parliament Failed Once more To Elect A New President Lebanese Parliament Fails To Elect A President. Once more.

Lebanese MPs concluded their parliamentary session on Thursday, failing to elect a brand new president for the ninth time since September.

Solely 105 of the 128 members of parliament attended the session, a lot of which spoiled their votes.

4 of the ballots had been canceled, one among which nominated the late South African president Nelson Mandela as a candidate.

“Holding a session each week received’t change something,” said Alain Aoun, a member of the Free Patriotic Motion (FPM).

Michel Moawad acquired nearly all of help with 39 votes. Nonetheless, these votes don’t meet the necessities for the required majority.

Michel Aoun’s presidency ended on October 31, and the parliament has did not elect his successor since his departure from workplace.

Parliamentary Speaker Nabih Berri has set the tenth and ultimate session of the 12 months for December 15.

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